Sunday, January 25, 2015

REAL Chicken Parm!!!

Who the heck decided on the name Chicken Parmesan? You Google it, you go to a restaurant and order it and you always get the same thing A breaded piece of chicken with some sauce and mozzarella cheese. Maybe Chicken Mozzarella doesn't have the same ring to it? Well let me tell you ladies and gents, I have seen the light! And upon this blindness I have come up with a recipe for REAL chicken PARMESAN!!

Seriously, upon going low carb, the biggest thing I've missed is saucy cheesy Italian American food. This is by far the best low carb meal I've ever had and yes, that includes anything made with bacon! Whether you're low carb or not, you're going to want to try this!! Also, total net carbs are only 5!!!!


  • Oil for pan frying
  • Chicken breasts (I used 3)
  • Sauce of choice (I used 'Trader Giotto's organic spaghetti sauce)
  • 3 oz Mozzarella Cheese
  • 4 oz Parmesan cheese blend (I used Trader Giotto's Quatro Formaggio)

For Breading:

  • 1/2 cup Carbquick mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 water
  • 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder

(chicken not pictured)

Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees. Mix together all ingredients for breading. It should wind up looking something like this:

Get out your frying pan and dump enough oil is there to make it approx. 1/2 inch deep. I used my small frying pan and did them one at a time. I feel like it cooks more evenly and it wastes less oil! Start heating the oil while you get your battering station set up.

(This is how mine looked)

As you see I took a small plate and put the Parmesan cheese blend on it. I took the chicken breasts, dredged it in the batter and then coated it in cheese! Next step was frying!

How's that for action shots?!

While these were frying I took my sheet pan and sprayed it with some cooking spray. And then put the chicken on there one by one to get ready for baking. As you can see I didn't get my breading very dark. The reason why is because it's going to continue to darken and crisp in the oven and I didn't want it to burn before the chicken cooked through.

This is how they looked going into the oven.
I cooked them for 17 minutes, flipped and cooked for another 7 minutes. Then I pulled them out, added some sauce and cheese, and popped them back in until melted. I used 1/2 serving of sauce, which was actually a lot!!

 Mine is that bad boy all the way to the right!

And that beautiful cheese

I had mine served with broccoli covered in butter,
 while the gents of the house had spaghetti.

And the final result!

Seriously, I think this chicken could create World Peace. I think this is going to be the official food for every occasion. Break ups, weddings, pregnancy, you name it. This chicken should present itself, because it is THAT good! Would love you guys to try it and let me know what you think!


  1. I agree; this chicken could bring about world peace. It has brought peace to my house. Finding food both my non LC boyfriend and I will eat has proven difficult, and this fits the bill. Delicious and easy, my two favorite things when it comes to food!

  2. Did you try it?! My husband and kids are not LC, so I have the same struggle!
